As part of my migration from my old blogging software to new, I needed a way to snag all of the images. However, the old system stored the images as extension-less numbers, making it tedious to match article slug to image quickly. I pulled down a database extract with photo ID and slug, but needed a way to pull down the images and rename them from /{id}
to /{slug}.{proper_extension}
Time for some PowerShell.
I have a csv file with two columns in it: PhotoUrl and Slug. PhotoUrl provides the
format and Slug provides the article slug that I’m migrating to the new blog.Since the photo URLs are extensionless, I’ll need to detect what type of image they are and add the appropriate extension to the file.
The Script
# import the required modules
# note: I use bits to pull down the files, you can use webclient or your method of choice
[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing")
import-module bitstransfer
# open csv for data
$csv = import-csv '.\blog.export.csv'
# create images directory
new-item -itemtype directory -path images -erroraction ignore
# download, detect, and rename files
foreach ($row in $csv) {
try {
# download remote file to local file
start-bitstransfer -source $row.PhotoUrl -destination (join-path '.\images\' $row.Slug)
# output file name (and get full name for FileStream later)
$outpath = (get-item (join-path '.\images\' $row.Slug)).FullName
# open into image stream (to prevent locking the file)
$fs = new-object IO.FileStream $outpath, 'Open','Read'
$img = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromStream($fs)
$format = $img.RawFormat
$img = $null
# rename based on common extensions (add more if necessary)
if ($format.Equals([System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Jpeg)) {
rename-item -path $outpath -newname $([io.path]::changeextension($outpath, "jpg"))
} elseif ($format.Equals([System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Png)) {
rename-item -path $outpath -newname $([io.path]::changeextension($outpath, "png"))
} elseif ($format.Equals([System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Gif)) {
rename-item -path $outpath -newname $([io.path]::changeextension($outpath, "gif"))
} catch [OutOfMemoryException] {